Its been one week since our sweet little Elias was born. It's been great being at home so far. My mom was here for three days, and Tony's mom will be here for three days. After that we are on our own! Tony will take the whole next week off from work, and I will hopefully be ready to tackle the two kids on my own after that. I will have to stop playing man-to-mom and will switch to zone defense after this.
Here are some pictures of him throughout the week.
Daddy and baby on our first day at home.
This is the second bath we gave him. He hated the first, tolerated the second. |
Big sister being sweet and cute.
Of course I had to rock out my moby wrap!
First of many trips to Chick-Fil-A.
Eli at one week old exactly!
Jess, your child is almost full grown!! Can't get over how big he is. Those cheeks are begging for a squeeze.